
Bio-tech course equips students with a strong foundation in biotechnology, enabling them to contribute to advancements in the field of healthcare, agriculture, and environmental conservation.

Graduates of Bio-tech course have a wide range of career opportunities, including research and development, pharmaceuticals, biomanufacturing, genetics, and biotechnology companies.

Bio-tech professionals play a crucial role in developing innovative solutions for global challenges such as disease prevention, food security, and sustainable energy sources.

Pursuing a Bio-tech course opens doors to exciting interdisciplinary collaborations and opportunities to contribute to groundbreaking discoveries that can have a profound impact on human health and the environment.

Job Opportunity

Job opportunities in the field of Bio-tech are abundant, with a growing demand for skilled professionals in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology companies, research institutions, and government agencies.
Graduates of Bio-tech programs can pursue careers as research scientists, lab technicians, bioprocess engineers, bioinformatics specialists, and quality control analysts.
Agricultural biotechnology is another sector with a high demand for Bio-tech professionals. This field focuses on improving crop yields, developing genetically modified organisms, and enhancing agricultural practices to address food security and sustainability challenges.


The college offers Three years.



Criteria of Merit

Merit based on percentage of marks secured in qualifying examination