I.A (Intermediate of Arts)

The intermediate course in Arts provides a solid foundation for students to explore various disciplines within the humanities, including literature, history, philosophy, sociology, and more.

It enhances critical thinking, analytical skills, and creativity, which are valuable in a wide range of career paths.

Students develop effective communication and interpersonal skills, enabling them to express their ideas clearly and engage in meaningful discussions.

Graduates of the intermediate Arts course have the flexibility to pursue higher education in fields such as literature, journalism, social sciences, education, and even professional programs like law or public administration.

Job Opportunity

Arts graduates can find opportunities in cultural and heritage organizations, museums, art galleries, and tourism sectors, promoting and preserving cultural heritage.
The arts field also offers avenues for entrepreneurship, such as starting an art studio, freelance writing or photography, event management, or establishing a creative agency, allowing individuals to showcase their creativity and business acumen.
Arts graduates can find opportunities in cultural and heritage organizations, museums, art galleries, and tourism sectors, promoting and preserving cultural heritage.


The college offers Two years.



Criteria of Merit

Merit based on percentage of marks secured in qualifying examination